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Good Preparation

Exploring the Art of Finger Painting

When children are young, they often find it difficult to hold and manipulate items. Their coordination is not always certain, and they can easily become...


Good Preparation

Learning to Begin an Art Project

There are few areas of life where preparation is not necessary, so it is little wonder that the world of art creation does require it....


Good Preparation

Preparing to Create a Sculpture

There are many different materials used for sculptures. Artists create in metal, wood, glass and clay. Some of these materials are easy to handle and...


Good Preparation

Creativity Without Preparation

Few artists create great works of art without any preparation. The reason for this is that a stroke of creativity may not come fully formed....


Good Preparation

Preparing a Canvas for Painting

While canvas has traditionally been made of hemp, cotton and linen are now used. The threads are smaller and offer a smoother surface for painting....


Good Preparation

Creating a Work of Art

The typical movie version of an artist creating shows someone that drops everything when their creative vision strikes. They ignore all human needs as the...